Bløg Bonanza | About



You have just clicked your way into my digital capsule, thanks for taking the time to explore my projects, past, present and future.

My work spans my interest in many fields, don’t ask me what I do, I want to do it all. As a teacher, designer, artist & maker I get to explore and constantly learn new things. My biggest take away is; nothing is difficult, but it takes time to make beautiful things. Until you do, having fun is paramount, I have fully committed to the playful approach to all my work. You should too!

This is my favorite line when starting a new project. Learning as i go is the key to both starting and ending up somewhere (often somewhere else then you set out)

HGM aka Smogdog @ instagram

If you’re on Instagram you’ll have a chance to see what I’m up to more frequently than updates on this site. I post work in progress alongside finished projects…

I’ve told stories and let people in on secrets to my process for well over 20 years. I really enjoy meeting and sharing my experiences with as many as possible. You can have me do workshop or talks. I have some favorites, but if you let me i have an opinion about everything.

Here are a couple of topics: