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SpaceDog Program

To the Moon & Bark!

One small paw… Making a spacesuit for Kajsa shot this canine rocket off the ground,
still in orbit…


What Carl said back in the ’70s, but with a 2023 update of the graphics engraved into the golden record mounted on the Voyager 1 & 2…

Voyager 1 in numbers


Voyager 1 was launched on September 5. Despite being launched second, Voyager 1 is further from Earth because it took a shorter, faster trajectory.


Billion miles away from earth, making it the most distant human-made object from Earth. 


Speed of travel for Voyager 1


-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth. They were intended as greetings to any form of life, should that be encountered.

To the moon and bark!

The Space Dog Program is a project spinning into the opportunities created by aeronautic pioneers. Going to the moon was a great achievement by human ingenuity… still, that would not have happened without Laika, Ham, and their animal siblings. The Space Dog program is a tribute to the furry astronauts. (oh and the size of a spacesuit for a Yorkshire Terrier is a bit easier to create, you’ll see what I mean).


National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, is the public organization responsible for the Apollo program. Before the Apollo program came Mercury (1958-1963) and the Gemini (1961-1966) projects. The programs ran parallel ending with Apollo 17 in 1972.

Mission possible

Only because of the desktop manufacturing revolution has this been possible

The Archive

The best thing about the Apollo and all NASA history, it’s all publicly available!

New frontiers

Where will we go next, nowhere without our canine friends